Selina Update 12-07-23

July 2023




Dear Patients,

It’s amazing the small things you miss when you can’t use 2-hands.  I’m not talking the obvious stuff – putting your hair up, not being able to cut up your own food, etc.  I’m talking about the things that you don’t need to do but the things you’d like to do but can’t anymore.  A few months ago, my children wanted to play Mah Jong (a Chinese game similar to Gin Rummy but using porcelain tiles).  We only play periodically since you need 4 players.  It struck me as I was playing – I can’t build the tiled walls as effectively anymore, I can’t feel the sensation of mixing the tiles as you swirl them around the table.  Insignificant but a loss that I felt.

My 6-month scans have continued to remain clear.  Always a relief to hear!

You may recall in my last letter that I was trialling the first myoelectric hand.  My trip last June to the INTERPOL meeting at INTERPOL headquarters with my first hand trial was mixed.  France was experiencing a very hot Summer and it highlighted the sweating situation - the stump slides out of position to the sensors that control the hand (thankfully, it doesn’t slide off due to the physical structure!).  This meant that I couldn’t control the hand effectively though!  The following months were spent trying to find solutions – powder (like talcum), anti-perspirant on the stump, special creams.  All were not great alternatives, in my opinion, as all would potentially interfere with sensors as well.  Some physical adjustments were made to the forearm part of the prosthesis over the stump which did improve things.  I now just carry around a small cloth so that I can dry my stump if sweating and re-insert into the prosthesis.  Not ideal but do-able. The trials for my myoelectric hand finished in February.  I ended up doing trials of 4 different types including the newest on the market – the only waterproof hand in the world (at least available to average folks!).  Needless to say, it’s the one I chose.  Reports and submissions were completed by my prosthetist, the occupational therapist, the specialist and myself.  After months of waiting, I was advised a few weeks ago that the hand has been approved!  The prosthetist now has to order it in and check it etc before I can start to use it but I am excited!  This hand looks more “robotic”.  I figured the so-called “skin” coloured hand is never really my skin colour so if it is going to look fake then, let it look fake!

I became Chairperson of the Forensic Odontology Sub-Working Group of the INTERPOL DVI Committee in May 2023, I continue with my roles with the NSW Coroner and National roles.  Also, I am one of the Forensic identification experts for recent multiple fatality events. 

The past 12 months have been my hardest – mental health speaking.  I struggled with the lack of structure and some forensic work-related politics.  Thus, I was looking for other ways to pull myself out.  I now drive one of the buggies (golf carts) at Westmead Hospital to assist visitors who struggle to walk the long distances within the Hospital.  It is a volunteer role but combines my love of driving and my love of talking to people.  More importantly, I have to get up and leave the house for a full day shift where I have the capacity to give back to my community.  In the new year, I may have the opportunity to mentor some of the final year dental students to pass on some of my knowledge and experience.

In October 2023, Darren and I will celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary.  We will go on holidays for a few weeks including travelling on The Ghan (on my bucket list!).  I’ll return for a couple of weeks before heading off to a closed INTERPOL meeting in Brazil in November.

I still pop into the surgery periodically as I still manage the admin side of things.  It has been great catching up with many of you! 

I miss you all!


Your dentist


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We will be closed between Christmas and the New Year. Please see exact dates on home page.

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Kellyville Ridge NSW 2155
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  Sunday: Closed

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